Initially, in 2017, the LocalMonero platform appeared. Only XMR was traded on it. Then the same team created AgoraDesk in 2019, this Cryptocurrency exchange traded BTC as well. LocalMonero continues to exist today, and it is possible to have one account for these two marketplaces.
There are restrictions for users from Russia -, you can't trade RUB. However, the site has a Russian-language interface.
There is no KYC, but in some transactions, the trader may ask you to provide ID. Also, the platform can function without JavaScript, which provides a high level of anonymity and security. The AgoraDesk website is accessible through Tor and even through an I2P portal.
When a transaction opens, the seller's funds are deposited. The buyer specifies to which wallet he wants to receive the funds. This way, the crypto is immediately sent to the taker's wallet, bypassing the marketplace.
On this P2P platform there are no commissions for takers, makers will have to pay 1% of the transaction amount. If you invite other users, you can earn from the affiliate programme. The deductions come from the commissions for the transactions made.