A mobile app for trading Bitcoin: no KYC, directly between users. More precisely, not even users, but friends. In the app, you can add a list of contacts with whom you will trade. There are two levels: the first is your contacts, the second is friends of friends.
VEXL does not provide escrow service and does not take commissions: they are put up by the ad creators if they want, and the buyers pay. Only BTC can be traded, but the method is up to you. You can meet in person for the exchange or do it online - the details must be specified in the ad itself.
P2P-platform promises a high level of anonymity. Contacts are encrypted, and even the creators of the application do not have access to them. No checks are required, just provide a phone number. The only thing that other users can see is the number of your mutual friends.
If you want to go beyond your circle, you can join a group and trade locally within the community.
Since the app does not act as a guarantor, but only connects buyers with each other, there are no restrictions spelled out in the rules. However, the app may not be available for download in some regions.